Monday, February 21, 2011

The words that fall from your lips get trapped in my heart

I want to spend every second, every moment, everyday with you

I ache when we're apart

You make me smile, laugh and feel joy I've wanted for so long

Something special, something real, is what I feel

This is just the start

I've known you for many lifetimes, many years, many ways

I've searched for you low and high

I'm glad God brought you into my life

I can never see you enough, get enough or feel satisfied

I crave you more and deeper as each day goes by

When the day is long, times are bad or I am feeling blue

All it takes to make it better is to stop and think of you

You have absorbed my heart, my mind, my body and my soul

The one thing that scares you is that I will let go

Only you can stop the way I feel for you, what we share

Only you can make it end

Even then, I'll always care

Rest easy, rest light and let me in

I won't hurt you, break you or harm your beautiful heart

I'm with you forever and always

I have been from the start

I was broken, blue and needing someone

Someone like you

You saved me as I was drowning

You came to me at just the right time

Now your in my heart ALWAYS

And always on my mind