Monday, December 13, 2010

Come Back, please

Come back be mine
long time never seen
it's my fault
long time never talked
terribly bad result
You tell me not to feel bad
but then I go and cry
you tell me keep your chin up
but I feel like I could die
The worst day of my life
that day I make you sad
I need you right beside me
and never again feel mad
Can you hear me softly calling!?
can you taste my sour tears!?
do you know how much I love you!?
do you know my biggest fears!?
the inferno of my sadness
they are the fires of death
they burn here deep within me
and pierce my every breath
I wish you would stay within me
please...don't go away
I need to know you love me
and I need for you to stay
I'll love you for eternity
I'll love you for all time
just stay for ever in my arms
again..just mine
You need to come back to me,dear
I need to hear you say
I told you, l'll be back sometime.
I've loved you till today

I never meant to hurt you
the way I know I have your love means more to me
than anything and I'll do whatever it takes
to prove that to you
Since the day I met you
and your love touched my heart
I knew that my life
would never be the same
Please forgive me for the pain I've caused
I'll make it up to you
every chance I get
you have my heart and my love for ever
I wont lose you
I can't stop loving you
I need you
my body,my soul,my you